Weight Loss Can Be Complicated

Just like most years, weight loss is on many people's list of goals. This year seems different, this year has some new players in the game. First, there are millions of TikTok views of this new miracle drug for weight loss increasing the demand and causing a shortage. Second CBS aired a 60 minutes episode with Lesley Stahl's story on Rx Wegovy, a repurposed diabetes medication for weight loss, this story has been picked up and re-aired on TV, radio and many other news outlets as a no side effect treatment for weight loss and obesity. (*60-Minutes is sponsored by Novo Nordisk who manufactures the drug)

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If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that “shedding the pounds” can be a complex journey. It involves more than just counting calories and exercising regularly— you need to stay motivated and understand what your body needs.

Let’s explore the ins and outs of weight loss to help make your journey as successful as possible!

New Weight Loss Medication Will Not Be The Answer

As obesity has become a global epidemic, the search for an effective weight loss solution has become a major medical and commercial focus. Some people are looking to prescription weight loss medications for a quick and effortless fix, Hollywood has been using it for years. Unfortunately, these medications are not suitable for everyone, and their long-term effects can be concerning.

It is important to realize that prescription weight loss medications do not reduce body fat; rather, they make it easier to eat less or increase the number of calories burned through exercise. In short, it is impossible to reach a healthy body weight without making lifestyle changes – in fact, trying to do so could be dangerous. Furthermore, most studies have shown that individuals taking these drugs only sustained their weight loss only as long as they took the drug. As soon as they stopped taking it, their lost weight returned within months if dietary habits were not corrected.

“only sustained weight loss as long as they took the drug”

Prescription medications can also be expensive and come with risks such as gastrointestinal side effects, hormonal imbalances or even dehydration due to increased urine production. In addition, some drugs can be dangerous when taken along with other medicines such as those used to treat diabetes or heart disease.

My opinion, although prescription weight loss medications may have their benefits for some obese individuals, this drug has become a blockbuster for anyone who wants to lose weight and this type of attention fuels this demand for effortless solutions to complex issues that will always require lifestyle modification.

It's Not Genetics

According to one obesity expert on the 60-minutes program. The #1 cause of obesity is genetics...what is she looking at?

The most recent data states 42% of Americans are currently classified as obese (BMI over 30). In 1970 we had 10-13% of the population being obese. Our genetics have not changed since 1970, so genetics can not be the number one reason for obesity. 110 million Americans are currently considered obese. Not to mention the 70% plus who are overweight.

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BMI "Body Mass Index" is the universal measurement for figuring out obesity.

BMI is measured by (weight (kg) / [height (m)]2 )

For example, I am 5 "11" and weigh 180 pounds. According to the BMI measurement I am overweight at a BMI of 25.1.

This simple rating is a good and bad measurement. It is good because it is quick and easy, it is bad because it doesn't give us the full picture. In some cases, like mine they are over estimating how many people are overweight, I am not overweight. In many other cases they are under estimating how many people are actually obese.

Weight loss can be a challenging journey that requires dedication and support. It isn’t just about eating right, exercising, or having more willpower; it’s also affected by genetics, behaviors, and lifestyle. Understanding the complexity of weight loss is an important part of any successful weight-loss plan.

Genetics play a role in how much weight you can lose and how fast. Genes control fat storage, where on the body fat is stored, metabolism rates, hunger centers in the brain, hormones such as leptin and ghrelin (which regulate hunger), as well as other appetite-related biochemical pathways of the body. Genes are not something we can change but understanding them can help us to maximize our progress over time. The challenge is how to separate genetics and lifestyle. According to one study, if your family is obese you have a 50-80% chance you will be obese, but how do you separate the lifestyle part as we most likely do what we are taught?

Behaviors, habits and lifestyle impact our weight the most. Eating out often or maintaining a sedentary lifestyle can both cause challenges to weight loss. It is important to create new healthy habits by finding activities you enjoy which makes it easier for you to stay motivated day after day.

Lifestyle plays a big role in weight management challenges and success – especially when considering stress levels, sleep patterns and mindsets.

Overall, gaining knowledge about why you struggle with your weight is key towards helping yourself become healthy both physically and mentally which encourages successful long term changes in behavior.

How To Create Sustainable Weight Loss?

We have all heard the slogans “eat healthy” or “exercise regularly” yet we still find ourselves falling into the same old trap of thinking that if we just take more medications we will be able to lose more weight faster! Besides being costly, RX drugs come with their own set of side-effects like nausea, stomach pain, headaches or other unpleasant impairments—not ideal for maintaining good health long-term!

The main core point here is that there are better options available than solely relying in RX drugs for weight loss. We need to educate ourselves about healthy nutrition plans and begin making changes in order to achieve results that last way longer than medication might provide us with.

Invest in yourself by learning about your dietary needs (such as macro-nutrients intake) and exercise regularly; depending on your goals perhaps check out: running, yoga and Pilates classes etc., this will not just reduce weight but help you feel much better too. And importantly monitor your progress regularly as this will help keep you motivated while learning how to become stronger and eventually get closer to achieving your health goals!

6 Ways To Sustainable Weight Loss


  1. Get Your Mind Right (Belief)
  2. Understanding Stress (Fight or Flight)
  3. Get Your Gut Healthy
  4. Adding Foods

 5. Upgrading Foods

6. Move Your Body (For Your physical and mental state)


Watch our Podcast on Weight Loss


“Get Your Gut Healthy” – help! Hear/see this all the time but how??? Can you please share more on what this means, how to accomplish. Appreciate it! – Anna Lahda

anna April 13, 2023

It’s fantastic that you went into detail about how losing weight may be a difficult process that needs commitment and assistance. It’s not only about eating well, exercising, or having stronger willpower; genetics, habits, and lifestyle also have a role. This will be useful for my cousin, who wants to shed some pounds so she can finally feel confident after constantly facing bullying due to her appearance. I’ll be sure to show her this article so she can understand how weight reduction works. I appreciate this. https://www.vitalityfamilyhealthcare.com/weight-management

Elle Jones February 09, 2023

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